Versioning & Releases

The examples in this section assume that you already know how to initialise Scout in your Go applications. If you do not know how, or if you would like a refresher, click here.

A release is a version of your service (identified by scout.WithServiceName) that is deployed to an environment (identified by scout.WithEnvironment).

We recommend configuring Scout with your release/version information. Doing so enables you to:

  • Track down and identify which commit introduced an issue.
  • Evaluate the health of a new release by comparing error metrics with metrics for older releases.

Configuring Scout with Versioning

Although your release/version ID is arbitrary and completely up to you, we recommend adopting one of these strategies:

  1. Git Commit SHA: You can inject your commit SHA as a runtime environment variable and retrieve this value as part of the initialisation step:
func main() {
        // extra configuration
    defer scout.Stop()
  1. Semantic Versioning: These are version IDs that follow the format: major_version.minor_version.patch_version.release_version.pre-release_version. Only the major version number is required for a version ID to be considered semantic. See for more information.