
Configure Scout in your gqlgen application in 1 minute or less

We recommending integrating the Scout gqlgen middleware in your gqlgen applications.

The gqlgen middleware will record logs and errors for your GraphQL requests.

The examples in this section assume that you already know how to initialise Scout in your Go applications. If you do not know how, or if you would like a refresher, click here.
  1. If your backend exposes APIs to your frontend application, start by initialising Scout in your frontend with the following configuration:

Scout.init(SCOUT_PROJECT_ID, {
  // any backend deployments should go here
  tracingOrigins: ['localhost', 'your-app.com/backend'],
  networkRecording: {
    enabled: true,
    recordHeadersAndBody: true,
  // ... extra Scout configs
  1. Configure Scout in your gqlgen backend:
func main() {
    defer scout.Stop()
  1. Integrate the gqlgen middleware:
import (
    gqlHandler "github.com/99designs/gqlgen/graphql/handler"
    scoutGin "github.com/scout-inc/scout-go/middleware/gin"

func main() {
    // ...
    gqlServer := gqlHandler.New(

    // log GraphQL operations and associate requests with your frontend sessions
    // SERVICE_NAME should be the same one used in initialising Scout with `scout.WithServiceName`

    // capture panics
    // GQL_SERVICE_NAME can be any descriptive name for your gqlgen server (e.g "orders-api")
    // ...