Get Started with Scout in your Go Application

Get started with Scout in one minute or less

Configuring your Go application to start sending telemetry to Scout is easy and straightforward. All you need is your Scout ID, which you can find in your Scout dashboard.

Although Scout offers so much more, this quickstart guide will focus on the basics: setting you up in one minute or less.

For an in-depth exploration of the Scout Go SDK, including middleware for popular libraries like Fiber and Gorilla Mux, check out our Go SDK documentation.


Require package:

go get

In your entrypoint function, initialise Scout:

(This is usually main)

import (
    scoutLog ""

    // we work closely with logrus
    // it's incredibly easy to integrate with any application
    log ""

var (
    scoutID     = os.Getenv("SCOUT_PROJECT_ID")
    environment = os.Getenv("ENVIRONMENT")
    gitSha      = os.Getenv("GIT_SHA")

func main() {
    // some code

    // configure Scout
		scout.WithServiceVersion(gitSha), // this is not strictly necessary, but it's good practice
	defer scout.Stop()

    // some code

Add logging instrumentation in one line

func main() {
    // Scout configuration above...

    // Init() instructs Scout to start collecting logs

    // some code

Log as usual

func DoSomethingGreat() {
    // some code

    log.Info("Did something great")


Record errors using scout.RecordError():

func HandlePayment(ctx context.Context) {
    // some code

    scout.RecordError(ctx, errors.New("Insufficient wallet balance"))